Tuesday, August 19, 2008



The Bowes and Seven Arrows went to the SW Washington Fair to see me, MELVIN ZWICK, drive his number 32, Donut Patrol car in the Fair’s Demolition Derby.

I, MELVIN ZWICK, am a champion Demolition Derby driver and was delighted that Grandpa’s Family were at the Fair to see me, MELVIN ZWICK, win another race. I, MELVIN ZWICK, know that I will win this race because Kyle, Timothy and Joseph helped tune up the Donut Patrol engine. My Donut Patrol car was tuned up and raring to go.

Here is Lydia, Timothy, Valerie, Computer Expert Daddy, Caroline, Joseph, Victoria and Kyle waiting to see me, MELVIN ZWICK, win another race. Little did they know that I, MELVIN ZWICK, was sitting in the stands debating what to do. You can see me in the purple shirt sitting in the upper right of the photo.

Unfortunately, just before the race I, MELVIN ZWICK, had entered the Bull riding contest. I, MELVIN ZWICK, rode that raging bull for the full time and was awarded enough points to win the Bull riding contest. Unfortunately while getting off that mean bull I, MELVIN ZWICK, fell and hurt my, MELVIN ZWICK’S, shoulder. I, MELVIN ZWICK, am a tough old bird and was ready to enter the Demolition Derby when the Doctor who examined my, MELVIN ZWICK, shoulder said I had better sit in the stands and watch the race and not enter the race.
I was sitting in the stands debating if I should race and not disappoint the family or tell them about my injury. I, MELVIN ZWICK, made the decision to follow the Doctors advice and not race.

I, MELVIN ZWICK, told Grandpa’s family about my, MELVIN ZWICK’S, shoulder condition.

Lydia said, “Oh poor Melvin Zwick, are you hurting very much? To bad you were not riding Justice the sheep. He would not have hurt you”

Kyle said, “If that mean bull was here I would hit it just like I hit that pinata.”

Victoria laughted holding up her starfish bitten hand and said, “I am not laughing at your hurt but about you Melvin Zwick, having just joined me in the Crash and Bang gang.”

Valerie said, “Melvin Zwick can I get you something to make you feel better?"

Caroline said, “Hey Melvin Zwick I wanted you to climb the climbing wall with me. Now I will just have to climb it by myself”

Timothy just looked at me MELVIN ZWICK, with a very sad face.

Joseph, who had just finished eating a bag of Cheetoes, was jumping up and down and pointing to his chest. Valerie interpreted Joseph actions and said he wanted to drive Melvin Zwicks number 32 car in the Demolition Derby.

So there was a serious discussion between the members of The Bowes family and me, MELVIN ZWICK. The Six arrows all agreed that the seventh Arrow should be allowed to enter the race in the Donut Patrol car. Chocolate loving Momma was very much against having her baby Joseph driving in the race.
I, MELVIN ZWICK, had a difficult time finding a picture of Chocolate Loving Momma. It seems she is always behind the camera and not in front of it. This one is a little old.

Computer Expert Daddy listened to all the discussion then said. “We should follow our family policy and vote on the subject.”
A quick vote was taken and poor Chocolate loving Momma lost. The vote was seven to one. Joseph did not vote as the vote was about him.

It was obvious that Joseph would need some training now that the decision was made to allow Joseph to drive my, MELVIN ZWICK, Donut Patrol. I, MELVIN ZWICK, the expert teacher, showed Joseph all the controls and told him the rules of the race. Computer expert Daddy and I, MELVIN ZWICK, placed some extensions on the gas and clutch petal. The brake is not used in a demolition Derby.
While the training was going on six of the Seven Arrows took a break and had some ice cream.

Joseph listened with intent and absorbed everything I, MELVIN ZWICK, the champion Demolition Derby driver told him. He was ready.

Wait a minute. Joseph did not have a helmet. You can’t race without a helmet. When was the last time the helmet was last seen.

It was worn by Timothy when he was crab fishing. Chocolate Loving Momma made a quick trip to the camper and found the helmet.

Joseph left the family and drove to the track.

The announcer spoke into the mike and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen and all you Rednecks, Melvin ZWICK , the Champion Demolition Derby driver will not be driving his Number 32 car today. He hurt his shoulder in the bull riding contest. Driving in his place will be Joseph Bowes.”

The fans all knew that I, MELVIN ZWICK, the Champion Demolition Derby driver was scheduled to drive the number 32 car. That’s why they were there at the race. When they realized that I, MELVIN ZWICK, was not driving they started to leave.
Everyone in the stands gasps when they saw little Joseph driving the number 32 car onto the track.

They sat back down figuring it might be a very interesting race after all.

The race was started and Joseph due to his excellent training from me, MELVIN ZWICK, and his excellent reflexes was knocking cars left and right. You can see him in the number 32 car at the right of this photo. He is after the white car after forcing the two tone white and red car into the tires.

Joseph can be seen backing on his way to wipe out the red car after putting the yellow car out of action. All the cars in the pile up near the tires were put out of the race by Joseph.
Joseph was the only car driving after he put the red car out of action.

All the fans in the bleachers gave Joseph a standing ovation. Chocolate Loving Momma was so happy that her baby Joseph was safe that she had tears streaming from her face. She was totally incapable of taking any more pictures of her award winning son.

So if any of you want to see a picture of Championship Demolition Derby Driver Joseph accepting his award you will have to look in a SW Washington newspaper.

And so Joseph won his first trophy.

Timothy cheered so hard during the race that he went to sleep after the race.

Joseph could not see why his family was so excited about his win. He said he only followed my, MELVIN ZWICK’S instructions. How could he not win with those instructions.
He promptly went to sleep in Computer Expert Daddy’s arms. Computer Expert Daddy was so very proud of his little boy.


There you go again Melvin Zwick. You see a few photos of my daughter Chocolate loving Momma and her husband Computer Expert Daddy and the Seven arrows, Lydia, Kyle, Caroline, Victoria, Valerie, Timothy and Joseph and you write some far fetched story. The only thing true in this story is the photos. They are for real.


The Bowes Family said...

Wow!  Well, obviously Joseph is taking after you, Melvin Zwick, in that he can do ANYTHING that he sets his mind to do!  And unfortunately, he does seem to have the same "Crash and Bang" gene that Victoria has, too.  We always knew that he loved to be behind a wheel.  I guess he is a natural, and with Melvin Zwick's coaching how could he not win?! The proof is in the trophy with a big "JOSEPH" written on it!  Guess we'll have to leave the Muttin Bustin to Timothy.  He is planning to do that again soon at the Puyallup Fair in Septemeber!  P.S.  I couldn't make out Melvin Zwick sitting in the bleachers.  Maybe he had gotten up to get a coke and some M and M's? 

Anonymous said...

What excitement! I couldn't take my eyes of that story until I reached the end! What might have happened if Joey crashed! I am so glad that he won :) Of course, all the credit needs to go to the expert derby driver Melvin Zwick who taught Him to drive so well.:)

That was an awesome story Grandpa! I truly enjoyed it! I think that it was one of the best stories yet!
I really miss you and Grandma Mary a lot!!! (Notice I don't mention Melvin Zwick, all he is trouble with capital T!)
I love you more than all the cars and trucks in the world!!!
Lydia Grace Bowes:):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

Dear Melvin Zwick,

So Melvin . . . seriously . . . did you get off that bull calm and collected, but somehow still got hurt? Or did you do a scared cartwheel into the bull's horns? Don't worry, everything works out for good. If you had been unhurt and raced in the derby, you would have had serious neck injuries (or worse) trying to apply your driving skills(you've never had any) to racing.

Give Grandpa a million hugs for me . . . if he will take hugs from YOU!



LEE said...

This comment was taken from an e-mail and added for Valerie by Grandpa

Dear Melvin Zwick and Grandpa,

That is WAY too bad that you, Melvin Zwick, had to stay out of the demolition derby with your hurt shoulder!! I'm surprised that the Great Melvin Zwick listened to the doctors advise and didn't tough it out as usual!!! Although, I guess you just wanted to see and teach Joseph how to race/crash soo much that you listened to the doctor.:):):) Sounds like you did a wonderful job of teaching "Joe Joe" all the basics of driving in a demolition derby! To be fair, maybe you should have gotten that meddle that Joseph got, since you taught him how to drive! I felt bad for "Joe Joe" After the race because, he was expecting that if he won he would get donuts instead of a meddle!:(:( OH Well! Chocolate loving Momma said she would go to a donut store and buy some donuts for him.:):)I hope Melvin Zwick can go to the next demolition derby and get that gold meddle! I love you sooo much!



P.S. Why I did not right this comment on your blog is because it kept saying our password was wrong. And Chocolate loving Momma is taking an evening nap so I could not ask her if we had changed it!:(

The Bowes Family said...

Hey Melvin, you said you were wearing a "PURPLE" shirt????? It looks orange to me, that is why I couldn't spot you in the bleachers!!! Look at Lydia's shirt . . . then look at your shirt. Different shade of purple????? Hee, hee.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.